
Duplicate Spaces

For programs/courses with similar content and settings, you can save time by Duplicating Spaces.

️ How to duplicate spaces

① Click the Home button next to your space name
② Click three dots (...) button
③ Click the Duplicate button (don't forget to change the name of the duplicated space)
※ Space duplication is only available on desktop browsers. ※ Only Space Owners and Organization Admins can duplicate Spaces. ※ Organization Admins can also duplicate Spaces in the Organization Manager Page.

⭕️ Duplicable content

Community posts (notice, question, and feedback) and attachments posted by the space owner
VODs in the content tab
→ The title and description of VOD are also duplicated.
→ Content creation date will be the same as that of the date of duplication.
→ Scheduled VODs are duplicated without scheduling details.
Templates of completed surveys (Responses are not duplicated)
Space details (name and owner), tags, roles, and other additional fields

 Non-duplicable content

Comments from community posts (Announcement, Question, Feedback)
Replies and attachments in contents (VODs), responses in surveys
Current space members
Community posts, comments, and attachments of members except for the user duplicating the space (space owner, organization manager)
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