
Writing comments & replies

In CLASSUM, you can communicate with admins and participants through comments.
Let's see how to create comments and replies.

1. Write a comment

Just like chatting, you can easily leave a comment on every post.
All participants can remain anonymous! Share your thoughts freely.
Check the anonymous box to comment anonymously.

2. Write a reply

You can do reply actions on specific comments!
Right-click on a comment → Click reply button, or
Double-click to leave a reply.
You can click on a reply to go directly to the message you're replying to.
When the comments pile up and the topics of conversation get mixed up, utilize the reply-to feature to easily jump to the comment you want!
When posting anonymous, a random nickname is set on a per-post basis.
You can mention in comments and replies.
Mention admin and other participants so that necessary communications don’t get lost.
⇒ Insert @ then select a participant or insert @ + name directly.
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