관리자를 위한 가이드

Manage Challenge

Manage your challenges more conveniently with the Challenge status page.
You can see how far participants have completed, and send reminders to those who haven't yet.

1. Challenge status

① Challenge status
Click the [Challenge Status] button in the top right corner of the challenge detail page.
Only the space admin or the person who created the challenge can see the status of the challenge.
② Task
See your overall achievement of your challenge tasks.
Get a breakdown of the progress for each tasks.
③ Entrant list
See if and when entrants have accomplished the tasks
④ Search entrants
You can search for entrants by name or email.
⑤ Incomplete entrants
You can send push notifications to participants who haven't yet accomplished their tasks.
In order to use the challenge feature, you have to open challenge tab in Tab menu. Settings → Space Settings → Tab Menu → Challenge
 Please consult directly with our CLASSUM expert. We’ll do our best to resolve your issue.