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All You Need to Know to Maximize Learning Experiences in CLASSUM

Do you still find it challenging to use CLASSUM?
Would you like to know some tips on how to use CLASSUM to increase student participation?
We would like to introduce 3 examples of professors who are said to be leading high-quality lectures with CLASSUM! These tips will help derive active participation from students in online and offline classes.
Apply these tips to your courses and maximize the learning effect!

1. Ways to Encourage More Questions in Real-Time Lectures

If you have been concerned about the low participation level of students, try receiving real-time questions in CLASSUM during lectures!
Using CLASSUM Brings the Following Effects.
Higher participation due to the option for anonymous Q&As
Students comfortably ask questions without worrying about asking silly questions, or being sensitive to other friends’ opinions.
However, the Admins can check the real names even when the student has chosen anonymity.
Answering each other’s questions
More and more questions are resolved among students without the help of the professor or the TA.
Identifying common questions & Answering additional questions after lectures
During lectures, you can first answer the questions with more Curious buttons, and then respond to the remaining questions afterward.
Analyzed Q&A data
The accumulated Q&A data simplifies the process of updating course materials or delivering relevant information to a new TA in the future.
How can we facilitate such effects?
(Picture 1) Test category, Class categories by date
To help familiarize students with asking questions on CLASSUM, create a ‘testtag so that students can feel free to try out various features of CLASSUM.
You can create tags by lecture dates to view only the questions related to a certain lecture.
(Picture 2) Question Interactions
You can prioritize questions with more Curious buttons during Q&A sessions.
Students can solve the remaining inquiries in CLASSUM by themselves, or the professor can answer the questions after class.

2. Ways to Build Better Relationship with Participants Through 1-on-1 Online Conversation

If you want to find out participants’ honest opinions and thoughts, try using the chatroom feature!
(Picture 3) Feedback Example
You can create 1-on-1 Chatrooms for purposes such as career counseling, psychological counseling, and many more. Students can participate either with their real names or with an anonymous name.
Participants cannot access your chatroom with other students, and professors cannot identify the student’s real name if s/he has chosen anonymity. This enables a deeper and a more honest conversation between the professor and the student.
Examples of Using Chatrooms
Anonymous Chatrooms
I would appreciate it if you could leave feedback about assignments or my lecturing methods. These are anonymous feedback so feel free to comfortably express your honest opinions. I will consider and reflect on helpful ideas in the upcoming assignments and lectures.
If you have any concerns that you’d like to keep private, please leave them here. You don’t need to worry about other students reading your posts as your concerns will be left anonymously.
※ Copy and paste these examples and apply them to your classes!
Real-Name Chatrooms
Please submit your assignments for Week 1. The assignment is to write a report of no more than 3 pages on the topic of ‘entrepreneurship’. It should be submitted in Word file, with 10p font and 150% line spacing.
You may use this post to leave questions about attendance issues such as late attendance, approved absence, etc. In the case of approved absences, please attach related files in the post. Absence is equal to 2 late attendance.

3. Ways to Operate Lively Team Activities

Try conducting text-based discussions in CLASSUM.
When having a live video meeting, real-time announcements and lectures can be verbally communicated while discussions can be conducted through text.
(Picture 4) Using both text and voice at the same time
Group Activities with CLASSUM Brings the Following Effects.
Increased Effectiveness of Discussions
Using voice and text at the same time in one place makes discussions more effective and smooth.
Effectiveness of discussions increase as you can use voice and text at the same time without having to go back and forth between separate spaces.
Gain objective data of student participation
You can take a look at objective assessments of student participation through the ‘insights’ section. You can also encourage more participation by giving rewards and extra points.
Learn from other groups’ discussions
Students can learn more by examining the outputs of other groups. They can also receive others’ feedback about their group activities.
Provide shy students the opportunity to participate
Even introverted students can comfortably express and receive opinions through comments.
How can we facilitate such effects?
First, please complete the prior settings to conduct successful group activities.
(Picture 5) Prior Settings
① In the sidebar on the left, click ‘add’ to create tags for each group.
② Notify activity agendas and topics for each group by adding the group’s tag on posts.
Example (Tap the triangle on the left)
③ Set Group Roles
How to set up a role (Tap the triangle on the left)
Prior Settings Completed!
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