관리자를 위한 가이드

Take a quiz

In CLASSUM, you can complete quizzes created by the admin, and see your score right away in some cases if allowed!
⓵ Click Content tab in the top menu bar → ⓶ Click the Quiz card in Contents
Click the Start Quiz button to take the questions
※ The only question types are multiple choice (single selection or multiple selection).
※ You can click the Next button or scroll to the next question at your convenience.
⓷ Complete the quiz and click the Submit button → ⓹ Submit complete
⓺ If your admin allowed you to see results, ⓹ You can see if you answered each question correctly or incorrectly by clicking the "Check My Results" button below.
 Please consult directly with our CLASSUM expert. We’ll do our best to resolve your issue.