
What's New?

Based on valuable feedback from users, we have updated several features to improve our platform’s usability.
We appreciate your continuous support and interest in our service.
CLASSUM is always open to user feedback and opinions.
If you would like to make any suggestions or report any difficulties and errors while using
CLASSUM, please contact our team(

2024.07.11 | Explore subscription content.

Hello. This is CLASSUM’s Customer Success team.
In July, we've made a number of updates to make your experience with CLASSUM even better.
Check out what's new below!

 Web & App | Subscribe to a variety of content for growth in the library.

We're excited to announce that you can now subscribe to a variety of LongBlack content from within CLASSUM.
We can go beyond VOD content and offer subscription content to our members.
With over 140,000 curated contents to choose from in the CLASSUM Marketplace, you can customize the content for your organization.
And when combined with CLASSUM’s Learning Path, you can create a culture of self-directed growth for your employees.
Learn more about the Marketplace & Learning Path here: Chat 1:1 with a consultant

 Web & App | Manage view setting for sensitive member information

Until now, members' personal information for management was only available to organization admins.
Now it's been updated to be optionally accessible to space admins.
Consider making some information, such as employee social security numbers or student IDs, visible only to space admins or instructors.

Small updates

 Web & App

You can now set the default tab for your organization.
Are you curious about CLASSUM Content Marketplace?
CLASSUM is always open to users’ feedback. If you have any inquiries or have any troubles while using the service, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-on-1 Consult (Click)
Past Updates
2024.06.27 | Survey feature updated
2024.06.13 | Challenge status page and more
2024.05.30 | Pinned post renewal and more
2024.05.16 | Text editor and mention in content tab
2024.04.18 | AI learning path and more
2024.02.06 | Learning Path out now, and a brand-new challenge
2023.12.21 | Sign in with Whalespace and more
2023.11.23 | New challenge to-do types and grant instant entry
2023. 11. 13 | User groups, challenge to-do reminders
2023. 10. 26 | Duplicate challenges available, and improved posting experience
2023. 10. 17 | CLASSUM  MS Teams Integration
2023. 09.14 | Enriched Challenges, SAML 2.0 integration, and more
2023. 08.31 | AI DOT  OneDrive, My activity updates
2023.08.18 | View Participant Insights and Challenge Updates
2023. 07.20 | AI DOT gets more powerful with OneDrive
2023. 07.13 | Challenge updates and more
2023.06.02 | Mention Feature Update and More!
2023.05.11 | Content Marketplace and others
2023.03.30 | Challenge & Updates on Member Info Fields
2023.03.02 | ChatGPT just for our organization, CLASSUM AI DOT 2.0
2023.02.16 | A more efficient solution for Member management
2023.01.19 | All Content Conveniently in One Place
2022.12.22 | Design a Flexible Curriculum
2022.11.03 | New Admin Console
october 14th, 2022 | Making education more convenient
August 10th, 2022 | CLASSUM 4.0, 4 Key Updates to Support CLASSUMee Growth
may 10th,2022 | Coursework, Participant Contribution Update
April 6th, 2022 | New course content! Note, URL
Jan. 24th, 2022 | Increase your completion rates by using our quiz function!
Nov. 8th, 2021 | Manage the content of your coursework with ease
October 5th, 2021 | Notification Updates
August 16th, 2021 | Enhanced coursework Stats
July 2nd, 2021 | Updates based on real users feedback
The All-New VOD Coming to you in July 2021
April 23rd, 2021 | Increase online engagement with new CLASSUM Live Sessions
Nov. 6th, 2020 I The All-New [Survey]!
August 3rd, 2020 l Create Data-Driven Content With CLASSUM's Insights
July 27th, 2020 | Track the View Progress of videos and boost participation!
July 20th, 2020 | Now you can check all your activity!
June 1st, 2020 | Updates tailored for our users!
April 1st, 2020 l 'No more mask in lecture' [ZOOM integration]

Contact CLASSUM Customer support at any time.

We sincerely wish that our newly added features can be helpful to all educators in various situations. Please let us know if there's anything else that we should be aware of, or things we can do to help you better conduct education!
Your feedback is always welcome! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Email us at: